Souhir Turki Khalifa

Associate , Cinematographer, International Monastir Films Services

Souhir Turki Khalifa

Associate , Cinematographer, International Monastir Films Services


Souhir Turki KHALIFA was born in the year her father started his cinema experience. She was lucky to be part of the biggest film sets and to meet famous actors and directors such as Roberto Begnini, Alberto Negrin, Alejandro Ganzales , Mario Monicelli …

After studies in the United States in “Cinema Production”, she got experience in most of the departments especially in the department of realization as assistant director.

Associated with the IMF Services, Souhir participates actively in the productions and this, from their development phase. Because of her multiculturalism, her international experience and her mastery of languages, she is considered to be the privileged interlocutor of foreign production companies.

Souhir is also a cinematographer, she is currently preparing to shoot her new project which she has just finished writing.

Sessions with Souhir Turki Khalifa