Roser Canela-Mas

Roser Canela-Mas

Roser Canela-Mas started her media career 12 years ago. She has worked in production and direction internationally across different genres such as drama, comedy and factual-entertainment. Having also completed a BSc in Sustainability and Environmental Management (2013-2016) has given Roser the knowledge and expertise to advice media productions on how to calculate and reduce its environmental impact.

Roser Canela-Mas joined albert three years ago as a Sustainability Industry Manager. She manages the albert tools both in the UK and internationally and is the main adviser to productions willing to lessen its carbon footprint and environmental impact overall. Her role also consists on delivering training courses to media professionals in order to give the industry the relevant knowledge on climate change and present the main impacts and also opportunities for TV and film makers. Her trainings and advice also focus on the editorial site of productions, to enable the industry to tell accessible, realistic, urgent, solutions-based and optimistic climate stories.

Sessions with Roser Canela-Mas