Nations and Regions – the ingredients of attraction
Outside of the capital, the levels of production across the UK have exploded.
Helped by an extremely attractive suite of tax incentives, production has hit record highs. But what does any region or nation need over and above the national incentives, if they are to attract and sustain production? This conversation with the regions and nations will pull out specific examples and experiences that serve to illustrate and inform – why many of the productions keep coming back and the legacy that has been created in terms of training and skills, new business and large infrastructure developments that all serve to improve the offer.
Moderated by Andy Weltman
Speakers include :
Rosie Ellison – Film Commissioner, Film Edinburgh
Kaye Elliot – Head of Production Services, Creative England
Allison Dowzell – Wales Screen Manager
Moyra C. Lock – Head of Marketing, Communications and Audiences, Northern Ireland Screen
Fiona Francombe – Site Director, Bottle Yard Studios
To attend this session you will need to REGISTER as a FOCUS industry delegate. It is completely FREE.